Used for many purposes, black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a perennial herb native to North America. The chief element in the black cohosh root is a substance known as cimicifugin or macrotin.
Studies have shown that black cohosh contains several compounds that may contribute to its potency, including: cycloartane, triterpene glycosides (such as acetin and 26-deoxyactein), henylpropanoid esters, and phenolic compounds (such as caffeic acid derivatives). Extracts from black cohosh have often been used for scalp hair loss, but until EES Essential Eyebrow Solution® was formulated, it had never been used to address thinning eyebrows or potential eyebrow loss. For this reason, EES was clinically tested in a preliminary, open-label, dose-ranging study. The results of the study were reported in PRIME International Journal of Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Medicine, a peer-reviewed publication.
An additional 16-week clinical study was conducted to determine the efficacy of the EES product for general beauty/cosmetic use. Approximately 84% of the enrolled participants reported a noticeable improvement in their eyebrow appearance (density, fullness, shine, strength and overall eyebrow appearance).
To learn more about both EES clinical studies, click here.